really bad rabbis. So bad, they are not even Jewish. While our bad rabbis are child molesters in front of G-D and everyone on the TV
news or wife murderers being tried live on Court
TV, the Mary Kay bad rabbis will seduce you with promises of Nova Scotia lox every morning in your fabulous mini mansion in the best part of town. You will drive to Saks in your pearl pink Cadillac and wear only the most vulgar jewels on Shabbos. NOT!!!! You will work like a dog while the maid raises your children and your husband runs off with the entire Sisterhood. Your director will force you into the most unstylish schmatas and claim you are reflecting the Mary Kay spirit while you, yourself, entice others into this life of inferior makeup at superior prices. When you are through over at PINKTRUTH.COM come back here and let me know how horrible your rabbi is. BAD RABBI.COM is here to comfort you and let you know that there more bad rabbis out there than you think.