Sunday, December 03, 2006

Well, Havurim, we noshed and we fressed over the Thanksgiving holiday and now it's time to get back to work. Our new friend, MARY KAY VOICES, has visited and your good bad Rabbi wants to recommend her blog

There is a problem, Havurim. There seems to be a case of dueling Moshiachs and your good bad Rabbi is in a turmoil.

MOSHIACH #1 (above left) is the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menahem Mendel Schneeson.
MOSHIACH #2 (abve right) is Mary Kay Ash.

MOSHIACH #1: Rejuvenated and saved a languishing Jewish movement dedicated to TORAH and knowledge and the future of the Jewish people. Started charities and outreach movement dedicated to resurrecting Jewish faith and commitment. He converted secular Jewry to religous observance and taught love, knowledge and wisdom. The Rebbe Schneerson stood for the pearls of wisdom to be gleaned from TORAH and Commentary and dedicated himself to increasing learning and higher knowledge for all. The Rebbe Schneerson amassed an army of followers in distinctive uniform representing Chabad and all that it stands for: Hats and beards.
MOSCHIACH#2: Started a MULTI LEVEL MARKETING PYRAMID style company that induces women to buy product inventory for possible, but not definite, future resale and to recruit other women to join the plan and buy product inventory and in turn recruit new inventory buyers...all without ever having to resell at retail the original product inventory. Mary Kay Ash stood for cars and homes and vulgar jewels and encouraged her followers to meditate on the joys of filthy lucre and to induce others to join this life of materialism and pursuit of money and things. Mary Kay Ash has amassed an army in distictive uniforms representing Mary Kay and all that she stands for: Crotch grabbing for photographs.
Mary Kay Ash had at least five husbands; the Rebbe Schneerson married once and stay married until his Rebbetzin died.
Your good bad Rabbi hopes you forgive his ineptness as he tries to upload this post with photographs. Eventually he will figure this out while he contemplates who is the authentic MOSHIACH sent to lead us all to a better life.
BADRABBI.COM is proud to offer all readers their choice for personal MOSHIACH. Determine your personal motivaton and creed and pledge your allegiance to the MOSHIACH of your choice:



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